Saturday, July 18, 2009

Combat Arms New Game Mode: Quarantine Mode Teaser

Radio Transcript Transmission of Local Security Response Team

NEMEXIS Research Facility, Central America

LSR: This is the local security response team onsite to assess the damage. We’re entering the locked facility now.

Time pause of approximately 15 minutes

LSR: We’re nearing the lab. There appears to be heavy damage.

Time pause of approximately 3 minutes

LSR: We’ve entered the lab. There must have been some accident…this place is a disaster! The sample seems intact.

Time pause of approximately 2 minutes

LSR: One of the containment units is broken. We have a potential outbreak situation. Did you hear that? HQ, we may have possible survivors. We’re moving in to investigate.”

Time pause of approximately 3 minutes

LSR: “What the...?? Command, we need backup… RUN!!!”

Transmission Terminated
End of Transcript


1 comment:

Nexon Cash said...

I had never even heard of this before now o.O 2 years later....