Saturday, July 18, 2009

Combat Arms New Game Mode: Quarantine Mode Teaser

Radio Transcript Transmission of Local Security Response Team

NEMEXIS Research Facility, Central America

LSR: This is the local security response team onsite to assess the damage. We’re entering the locked facility now.

Time pause of approximately 15 minutes

LSR: We’re nearing the lab. There appears to be heavy damage.

Time pause of approximately 3 minutes

LSR: We’ve entered the lab. There must have been some accident…this place is a disaster! The sample seems intact.

Time pause of approximately 2 minutes

LSR: One of the containment units is broken. We have a potential outbreak situation. Did you hear that? HQ, we may have possible survivors. We’re moving in to investigate.”

Time pause of approximately 3 minutes

LSR: “What the...?? Command, we need backup… RUN!!!”

Transmission Terminated
End of Transcript


Combat Arms Ultimate Montage Music Video

Hi any welcome to on of my last Combat Arms video. I have had a great time here and hope you will see my in the new game Blackshot which will come out soon for you Americans!

Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide M416 + Death Room Gameplay

A review/weapon guide on the M416.

The M416 Overall: 8/10

The M416 Pros:
-low recoil

The M416 Neutral:

The M416 Cons:
-too expensive 1100GP/day

This gun is just like the M4CBQR.
I feel this gun is not worth the price when you can get the M4a1 for 300 GP cheaper.However,if you have all the money in the world,I say go for it! It ll be good for bragging!

Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide Machine Guns

This is a detailed guide/review on the machine guns currently in Combat Arms

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The K3 Overall: 7/10
Ammo: 100/100

-high ROF



This is a pretty good machine gun,but it still lacks in overall effectiveness,mainly because of the high recoil and weight.

The Mk. 48 Overall: 6.5/10
Ammo: 100/100




Actaully i wouldnt recommend this machine gun,get an ak47 because they have very similar styles of play,you will see the ak47 is really easy to use.

The Minimi Overall: 7/10
Ammo: 100/100




More or less like the K3,this gun again has really high ROF,but because of weight it is very uneffective.

The M60 Overall : 6.5/10
Ammo: 100/100




A very heavy and slow firing gun that is focused on getting the shots becausse of relatively high damage,get a good assault rifle like the ak47.

Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide Snipers: L96A1

This is a weapon review on a sniper in Combat Arms L96A1 or Awp.Sorry,I cant do the other snipers right now because they suck with the hit box ever still present.

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The L96A1 Overall: 9/10
Ammo: 5/15
Price: 1400 GP/DAY

-1 hit KO sniper (most powerful)
-accuracy (not long range)


-not good accuracy long range
-most expensive (tied)

This gun is a really awesome gun and sniper,with enough accuracy to get your kdr up in good standing.I really recommend this gun with a silencer because it stills performs 1 hit KO attacks (when the hit box is fixed). As some people are really experienced,they can no-scope,which makes this as deadly as a shotgun.At 1400 GP,it may be the most (tied) expensive gun,but with nexon ignoring the fact about thee hit box,it will be the most effective gun out there.

Subscribe for future snipers.

Combat Arms New Game Mode :Snowball Fight

New Winter Event Game Mode: Snowball Fight
(available for a limited time only, from 1/14 - 3/18)

We've got a brand new way team-based game mode that gives "killing in cold blood" a whole new meaning. In "Snowball Fight", you and your squadmates will arm yourself with specialized snowball weapons to freeze the enemy. Frozen players cannot move and will begin calling to their teammates for help. If you get to them first, take out your shovel and smash them to pieces to perform an Ice Crush! An Ice Crush is the only way to kill your enemy and reduce the enemy's spawn pool.

You can also use your shovel to release your frozen teammates from the ice before they get smashed by an enemy shovel. Unfrozen teammates will be able to return to the fight without using up a respawn for their team. Remember, all players on your team share the same respawn pool... and the more you save your fellow teammates, the more likely it is that they'll be there to save you! Saving a frozen teammate will also restore a small amount of your own HP.

Winning a Snowball Fight

Each team has its own respawn pool with a limited number of respawns for all team members. Every kill via an Ice Crush reduces the other team's respawn pool by 1. If your team's respawn pool reaches zero, no one else on your team will be able to respawn. To win, your team must reduce the other team's respawn pool to zero and then crush all remaining enemy combatants.

This event will only be available during the winter months so play before the snow melts!

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Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide SMG's Part 1

Visit my new website

#72 - Top Favorited (Today) - Gaming - Canada
#82 - Top Rated (Today) - Gaming - Canada

Please hit that bottom on the upper right ''subscribe'' to be notified when my next weapons guide will be out

This is a detailed guide on SMGS in Combat Arms,the following reviews will be ''rated'' against the other SMG in class or these ''SMG'' will have failing grades.Also,from now on,Ill just give it an overall,not ratings for its pros cons,because some''people'' do not like it

The Ump Overall:9.5/10(Not an average)

-highest damage for SMG
-good accuracy for SMG
-low recoil


- too pricey (950GP A DAY)

-Auto is only accurate at close range
-aim for chest-head

The P90 Overall 7/10(Not an average)

-low recoil
-good for headshots at close range
-accurate for close range
-has a 50 clip without ammo clip mod
-built in scope


-only 100 bullets in total
-has horrible accuracy mid-long

-crouch when shooting
-single-burst when mid-long range

The MP5A4: 8.5/10 (Not an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-low recoil
-good accuracy for mid-long too


-Nothing really but a little more damage but otherwise,this is a really balanced gun

-crouch when mid-long single shoot

The K1A:8.5/10 (Not an average)

-low recoil
-quite accurate at close and ok at mid


-the ''aim thing'' gets too big after only a few seconds on auto and when you jump shoot

-after shooting 5-6 auto change to single or burst and crouch

Stay tuned for my next guides on SMGS/snipers/pistols/shotguns!

Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide : Assault Rifles 2

This is a detailed guide on assualt
rifles in Combat Arms:

The Famas Overall:7.5 (Not an average)

-low recoil 8/10
-high ROF 9/10
-light weight 8.5/10

-low damage 5/10
-accuracy (over mid-long range) 6.5/10

-Auto is only accurate at close range
-aim for chest-head

The AK74:Overall 7.5/10(Not an average)

-damage 8.5/10
-ROF 7.5/10

-accuracy 7/10

-recoil 6.5/10
-weight 7/10

-crouch when shooting
-single-burst when mid-long range

Similar to AK47 but the AK74 has lower recoil,and a daster ROF.However,damage and accuracy are given up.

The Aug 1: 7.5/10 (Not an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-ROF 7.5/10
-damage 8.5/10

-accuracy 7/10 (does not have as afar ''range'' as G36E

-weight 7/10
-recoil: 7/10

-same as AK74

This gun is has very similar characteristics to the G36E. It features a higher ROF and was designed for close range,and sarcificed accuracy and damage. GET A G36E instead!

The M14:6/10 (Not an average)
Ammo: 20/60

-damage 10/10 (highest in game)
-very high accuracy 9.5/10 ( for an assault rifle)

recoil: 7.5/10

-ROF (slowest for assault rifle) 1/10
-weight 5/10
-low ammo
-1000 gp with no scope/silencer

-mod with scope for sure!
-go auto! (but will be uber slow,slower than you shooting your default pistol at fast!)

The K2: 9.5/10 (Not an average)

-3 modes of firing
-low recoil 8/10
-accuracy 9.5/10
-ROF 7.5/10

-damage 7.5/10

-weight 7/10

-single shoot when mid-long
-spray and pray and still good accuracy
-very balanced with 3 modes!

The K2 in combat arms quite remarkably be the most underrated assault rifle to date. Just recently ,Nexon added the auto mode,with made this gun more popular. I can say this is a very good gun to try!

Stay tuned for my next guides on SMGS/snipers/pistols/shotguns!

Combat Arms Ultimate Weapons Guide: Assault Rifles 1

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This is a detailed guide/review on
Combat Arms weapons
Contain all weapons from combat arms!

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#29 - Most Responded (Today) - Comedy - Canada
#66 - Most Responded (This Week) - Comedy - Canada
#76 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedy - Canada
#54 - Most Responded (Today) - Canada
#3 - Most Responded (Today) - Gaming - Canada
#35 - Most Responded (Today) - Gaming
#11 - Most Responded (This Week) - Gaming - Canada

The M4A1:Overall 8.5/10 (NOt an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-low recoil 8/10
-good accuracy 9/10
-high ROF (rate of fire) 9/10

-weight 7/10

-damage (compared to other weapons)6/10

-crouch when shooting mid-far range for best accuracy plus burst and single shoot
-dont silence it!
-only add scope if needed

The SCAR:Overall 8.5/10: (Not an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-low recoil 9/10
-high ROF (Rate of fire) 9.5/10
-accuracy 8/10

-damage (in the middle range) 7/10

-weight 6.5/10

-same thing as M4A1

The AK47:Overall 8/10 (Not an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-Damage (second highest assualt rifle) 9.5/10
-accuracy ( if you can handle recoil) 9/10

-ROF ( rate of fire) 6.5/10

-Recoil (highest for assault rifle in game) 1/10
-weight 5/10

-Crouch when shoot when possible
-try single shooting most of the time
-mod with supressor S1 (lowers recoil by 10%)

The G36E: 10/10 (Not an average)
Ammo: 30/90

-Damage (Third highest) 9/10
-Built-in sniper style scope (has a zoom of sniper)

-weight 7/10
-ROF (rate of fire) 7/10

-Recoil (Not for me but for most new users,but you will get used to it when you use it more) 7.5/10 for new users, 9/10 for (experienced players)

-GET THIS GUN!At least try it for one day!
-$950 a day BUT a scope (An assault rifle + scope=$950 ) so its worth it
-auto at any range still accurate enough
-use scope when mid-far range when needed (single shoot when in scope)

Dont worry,I will review more weapons soon! PLease subscribe so you will be notified my future reviews!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Combat Arms Update 2/4

2/4 Patch Notes - New War Zone: Rattlesnake
For our 2/4 patch, Central Command is expanding its theater of conflict, ramping up personnel, and rolling out a whole new battery of gear options. Join Operation: Rattlesnake and unleash a venomous night assault on a compound deep in the South American jungle. Meet and hire the deadly and beautiful Hana, a new mercenary out for vengeance. Don't forget to enlist in one of our two new ongoing contests: the Weekly Screenshot Contest, where you can be the eyes of the UAF; and GM Live, where you can pit your skills against battle-hardened Combat Arms GMs!

New War Zone -- Operation: Rattlesnake

Here, you'll need both keen sniping skills or killer close-quarters instincts to survive. A tall, multi-leveled watch tower overlooking a wide courtyard is the perfect place to perch and pick off your enemies. But to get into the heart of the beast, you’re going to have to navigate through a store room where the tight quarters make every corner a potential trap...

Post-Holiday NX Package Sale!

Now available for a limited time in the Black Market, we have new item packages tailored for every kind of battle. They'll be here for two weeks and gone on Wednesday, 2/18 so hunt down that bargain while they last!

5 Merc + Weapon Packs:
-- Baron “Urban Warrior” Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Kamara “Heavy Steel” Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Zadan “Desert Hunter” Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Deckland “Night Raider” Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Mei “Stalker” Pack -- 16,900NX

Baron "Urban Warrior" Pack Kamara" Heavy Steel" Pack Zadan "Desert Hunter" Pack

Deckland "Night Raider" Pack Mei "Stalker" Pack

5 Weapons Packs:
-- Sky Wolf+ Weapons Pack -- 18,900NX
-- Golden Wolf+ Weapons Pack -- 18,900NX
-- Desert Stalker Weapons Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Death Stalker Weapons Pack -- 16,900NX
-- Sky Stalker Weapons Pack -- 16,900NX

Sky Wolf+ Weapons Pack Golden Wolf+ Weapons Pack Desert Stalker Weapons Pack

Death Stalker Weapons Pack Sky Stalker Weapons Pack

New NX Items & Gear

-- Hana -- Female Merc (Medium Vest)
-- P90 TR -- Primary Weapon (SMG): Silenced and ready for scope mounting!

Hana P90 TR

New GP Rank Gear

-- Bowie Knife Melee Weapon (at Rank Command Sergeant Major I)
-- Skull Bandana Face Gear (at Rank First Lieutenant II)

Skull Bandana Bowie Knife

-- Supply Case - SR (Rank: Private)
Chance for one of five Sniper Rifles: L96A1 Ghillie / L96A1 / M24 / MSG-90 / SR25
-- Supply Case - AR (Rank: Private)
Chance for one of five Assault Rifles: M4A1 CQBR / M4A1 / G36E / FAMAS / M14

New 30-Day Options for existing NX Items & Gear:

For those of you who just have to make the rules and remain in control all the time, now you can get the private server experience at an even more attractive monthly price! Elite Moderator is now available for 30-Day Use for 14,900NX!

-- Elite Moderator -- 14,900NX
-- Boonie Hat -- 2,000NX
-- IBH MK2 SEAL -- 2,000NX
-- Green Beret -- 2,000NX
-- FG-1 Fire Mask -- 2,000NX
-- FP-1 Face Guard -- 2,000NX
-- Skull Mask (Silver) -- 2,000NX
-- Skull Mask (Flames) -- 2,000NX
-- Skull Mask (Smiley) -- 2,000NX
-- Skull Mask (Jaws) -- 2,000NX
-- Flecktarn Camo -- 2,000NX
-- Tiger Stripe Camo -- 2,000NX
-- VBSS Helmet -- 2,000NX
-- P226 -- 2,000NX
-- M1911 Knight’s -- 2,000NX
-- M11 Tactical -- 2,000NX
-- Machete -- 2,000NX
-- Ninjato -- 2,000NX

Other Updates

-- Warhead, Pump Jack, Gray Hammer and Waverider map glitches repaired
-- Ending Banner no longer causes a hack attempt error
-- Snowball Fight EXP & GP reward exploit has been corrected
-- The firing delay in the SR25 has been fixed
-- The mine-planting bug has been fixed
-- Scope accuracy bug when using the AUG A1 and G36E in conjunction with the Extended Magazine have been fixed
-- Disconnection issues have been addressed
-- Rank requirements for all NX items have been removed
-- Modification screen UI changes made

Weekly Screenshot Contest

Recon for Central Command by submitting your combat screenshots to the Weekly Screenshot Contest. Each week, a winner will be chosen by Combat Arms officials to receive 25,000 GP. The four weekly winners of each month will then be voted on by players through the Combat Arms website to win the monthly prize of 25,000 NX.

Click here for more details on this event!

GM Live Contest

Do you have skills to take down the Military Police of Combat Arms? We’re looking for a few good soldiers to take on the most dangerous mission of all…fighting the Combat Arms GMs. For the next few weeks during predetermined time slots, GMs will be creating special rooms somewhere in one of the Combat Arms game servers. They challenge you to find them, join them and face them down in combat!

Click here for the schedule and more details!

Don't forget that Snowball Fight melts away on 3/18. Get your freeze on before winter's gone!